RBSU Event Planning

(Troop-Led Service Unit Events)

The Rancho Bernardo Girl Scout Service Unit has had a long-standing tradition of girl-led events.

Troops volunteer to lead these events, providing a great leadership experience for older girls and also adding vitality to the service unit and strengthening the Rancho Bernardo Girl Scout community.  Sometimes, these events can also be a fundraising opportunity to save money toward a bigger troop goal or trip.  

While there’s no set rule on when a troop is ready to lead an event, typically, girls as young as fourth-grade Juniors are ready to start leading events.  Like all things Girl Scouts, through progression, as the girls build their event planning skills, they are ready to work up to leading larger events.

This page is intended to provide resources for troops interested in leading events for the Rancho Bernardo Service Unit.

For GSSD guidance on Activity Approval, please click HERE

Historical Events:

Historically, the Service Unit has hosted the following events.  New ideas are always welcome and encouraged!

Daisy Day

Brownie Spectacular

Junior Jamboree and Junior Overnight

World Thinking Day

Cookie Kick-Off

She and Me

He and Me 


To see the list of events available for 2023-2024, please visit here.  Troops interested in leading an event can complete the spreadsheet to sign-up their troop


For troops that lead events, the troop leader or an active parent needs to take the Event Director training through Girl Scouts San Diego.  This will provide valuable information on things to keep in mind when planning events as well as leading girls in the event planning process.

Girls Scouts San Diego has extensive information available on their web site for event planners, including necessary forms to complete.  Please visit: https://www.sdgirlscouts.org/en/camp/ways-to-camp/service-unit-encampments/encampment-forms.html 

Coming soon is a link to a video created by Alumni Girl Scout Troop 8907 based on their experience leading events, including helpful tips and how to keep the event planning process Girl-Led.  Attached are the slides from this presentation.  

Presentation - Leading Events & Money-Earning Projects - Troop 8907 - 2022.pdf

How to Get Started:

After identifying the event your troop wants to lead and signing up at the link above:

For questions about leading events for the service unit, please contact rbsumanager@gmail.com