Highest Awards
Girl Scout year Highest Awards
Girl Scout Highest Awards include Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Congratulations to all these girls!
RBSU Troops: Please contact Michelle at RBSUmanager@gmail.com to post on this website.
Annika Mara Troop 2364 - Silver Award Endangered Butterflies
Annika Mara, part of troop 2364, helped educate students on the topic of endangered butterflies. She created a presentation to teach third graders about butterflies endangerment and how they can help. She also donated sunflower seeds so the third graders could help the butterflies by building a habitat for them. She also made a video that can be used to teach other Girl Scouts and how they can help the butterflies. She gave them resources, so they can continue planting sunflowers every year. She hopes that when she educates other students and Girl Scouts, then more people will help the butterfly population grow.
Aashni and Lauren Troop 2364 - The Harmful Effects of Smoking & Vaping
Aashni and Lauren are Girl Scout Cadettes from Troop 2364. As part of their Silver Award project, they provided the community with helpful information surrounding the harmful effects of smoking and vaping. They devoted their time to many hours of research. With this valuable knowledge, they created a large project board to be presented at a number of libraries. They also designed and created a detailed brochure providing eye-opening information that isn’t widely known across their community. From the harmful effects on your body to providing examples of how to not give in to peer pressure around smoking, this brochure covers everything. The brochures are displayed in libraries across their city and will be replenished as needed. In addition to the brochure and poster, they created a very insightful video aimed at children and teens to prevent them from smoking in the future or encourage them to quit. This video will be continuously played year after year and a number of schools across their community. At several libraries across the city, Aashni and Lauren were honored to leave their self-designed posters offering details about 10 of the most harmful effects of smoking and vaping. These posters will remain in the libraries for many years to come.
Natalie Edwards Troop 2174 - Bringing Happiness and Comfort to Senior Citizens
Natalie's goal with her silver award project was to raise awareness of the need of seniors living in nursing and convalescent homes. She saw that seniors often felt lonely and sad when they did not get visitors. Her initial plan was to bring a dance performance to a senior home; but due to the 2020 pandemic she had to change her plans and decided to make videos and compile them on a disc that the seniors could watch. Natalie hopes to inspire the community, especially younger girl scouts to organize trips to nursing homes and bring some happiness to the senior citizens.
Here is a link to a presentation Natalie prepared with details about her project.
Troop 2033 Silver Award Helping Homeless Animals
Three girls from Girl Scout Troop 2033 diligently worked to earn their Girl Scout Silver Award supporting The Animal Pad and TAPACT, an amazing dog shelter in San Diego. The Animal Pad gets dogs off the streets in Baja Mexico and Southern California. TAPACT is dedicated to ending the suffering, abuse, and exploitation of dogs through information, education, and advocacy locally and globally. The Silver Award Project involved making PVC Pipe Dog Feeders to be placed in Baja Mexico, educating kids in Mexico about what it takes to care for a dog by creating educational coloring sheets, educating people how to find reputable places to get a pet with Public Service Announcements, and creating a video library to support the shelter. Each girl worked 50 - 57 hours on the project and used Troop funds that were raised from cookie and nut sales. The girls were challenged to do new things and they learned about dogs, teamwork, and the strength of working with another strong volunteer organization. One team member even adopted a dog from the shelter! Posted October 2020
Here is the video the girls made about their project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmXRjniAQ8Y
You can find all of their Silver Award video projects on their YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnZoyJFT0lB7DbR5HXuMNOw...
Troop 2357 Bronze Award Making Neighborhoods Safer
Girl Scout Troop 2357 was concerned about all the cars they saw driving through stop signs in their neighborhood while walking to school, so they decided to quantify the issue and encourage all drivers in 4S Ranch to come to a complete stop at stop signs for their Bronze Award Project. Each girl collected data at four different intersections on the North side of 4S Ranch. Out of the 10,983 cars observed, 48.8% did rolling stops, 37.8% stopped, and 13.4% did not stop. They spoke with a Sheriff Deputy to further understand the issue and worked with the neighborhood HOA to get approval for placing signs at the intersections to remind drivers to stop. Articles written by the girls are being published in neighborhood newspapers, magazines, and newsletters, as well as Social Media about this issue. Each girl worked over 20 hours on this project and used funds from nut and cookie sales to pay for the yard signs placed at the intersections. Posted October 2020
Troop 2033 Silver Award Monarch Butterflies
The Girl Scouts from Troop 2033 worked incredibly hard to bring awareness of the benefit of learning gardens and the preservation of monarch butterflies. They designed and built their "Monarch Motel" which they donated to Monterey Ridge Elementary School to use for many years to come as a hands on learning experience for their students to be a part of the conservation of monarch butterflies and their life cycle! Each girl spent between 50 to 61 hours to complete their award, and they used their cookie money to pay for all of the supplies for the "Monarch Motel" and Life Cycle Sign. Posted October 2020
Troop 8856 Theresa Silver Award Feeding San Diego
Theresa Aguilar, a Girl Scout from Troop 8856, has completed her Silver Award Project. She collaborated with Feeding San Diego to create a children’s brochure. Feeding San Diego is a local food bank that works together with the community to fight against hunger and provides access to food for those in need. Theresa designed the brochure to increase hunger awareness amongst the young people in our community. The brochure contains activities and facts for children of all ages and the different ways they can get involved with Feeding San Diego. Posted October 2020.