Troop 2119 Supports Radys Hospital and Ronald McDonald House
Troop 2119 spent many of their meetings discussing empathy and learning how to support one another through tough times. They learned ways to show their friends and family they care when someone is suffering. After selling Girl Scout cookies in the Fall, Troop 2119 used a large portion of their earnings to give back and show the community they care too. They visited Radys Children's Hospital and interviewed three child life specialists to determine the needs of the hospital. They came back and discussed how they would spend their cookie money. It went towards making 25 Birthday Bags filled with games and crafts as well as over 100 headbands and hats for kids battling cancer on the oncology floor. 50 more Game Bags were packaged with crafts and activities for kids who were in the emergency department. Lastly, they packed 50 Snack Bags for families staying at the Ronald Mcdonald house and purchased laundry detergent, bounce sheets, and a few ride on toys as well. They presented their donations to all three departments and were thrilled knowing they were helping other kids feel better.
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